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Kingston IronKey Vault Privacy 50 series are premium USB drives that provide business-grade security with FIPS 197 certified AES 256-bit hardware-encryption in XTS mode, including safeguards against BadUSB with digitally-signed firmware and against Brute Force password attacks. VP50 series is also TAA compliant. Because it is encrypted storage under the user's physical control, VP50 series are superior to using the Internet and Cloud services to safeguard data.Vault Privacy 50 supports multi-password (Admin, User, and One-Time Recovery) solution with Complex or Passphrase modes. This enhances the ability to recover access to the data if one of the passwords is forgotten. Traditional Complex mode allows for password from 6 - 16 characters using 3 out of 4 character sets. Passphrase mode allows for a numeric PIN, sentence, list of words or even lyrics from 10 to 64 characters long. Admin can enable a User and a One-Time Recovery password or reset the User password to restore data access. To aid in password entry, the "eye" symbol can be enabled to reveal the typed-in password, reducing typos leading to failed login attempts. Brute Force attack protection locks out User or One-Time Recovery passwords upon 10 invalid passwords entered in a row and crypto-erases the drive if the Admin password is entered incorrectly 10 times in a row.To protect against potential malware on untrusted systems, both Admin and User can set Read-Only mode to write-protect the drive; additionally, the built-in virtual keyboard shields passwords from keyloggers or screenloggers.Small and medium businesses can use the Admin role to locally manage their drives, e.g. use Admin to configure or reset employee User or One-Time Recovery passwords, recover data access on locked drives and comply with laws and regulations when forensics are required.

Specificatii produs

  • Caracteristici generale

    Tip memorie
    Flash Drive
    512 GB
    USB 3.0
    Rata de transfer la scriere
    250 MB/​s
    Rata de transfer la citire
    310 MB/​s
    S.O. Compatibile
    Windows 11, 10, 8.1
    macOS (v. 10.14.x - 12.x.x)
    Criptare hardware
    AES 256-bit
    FIPS 197
    77.9 x 21.9 x 12 mm
    Certificare IPX8

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Stick Memorie Kingston IronKey Vault Privacy 50, 512 GB, USB 3.0, Blue

Stick Memorie Kingston IronKey Vault Privacy 50, 512 GB, USB 3.0, Blue

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Stick Memorie Kingston IronKey Vault Privacy 50, 512 GB, USB 3.0, Blue


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