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The Kingston DC600ME 480 GB SSD provides performance and reliability for mixed-use applications. With a data transfer rate of up to 600 MBps and an internal data rate of 560 MBps, this solid state drive ensures rapid response times for demanding tasks. The dynamic and static wear leveling features, combined with power loss protection, contribute to the longevity and stability of the drive, making it suitable for various operating environments. Operating temperatures range from 0°C to 70°C, while it can withstand storage temperatures from -40°C to 85°C, ensuring it functions efficiently even in challenging conditions.Designed with quality of service (QoS) in mind, the DC600ME optimizes performance for multiple applications. With a maximum 4KB random read speed of 94,000 IOPS and write speed of 41,000 IOPS, it handles intensive workloads. Supported by S.M.A.R.T health information, users can maintain the drive's performance over time, while 256-bit AES encryption supports security needs, safeguarding valuable data. Robust in design, it features a MTBF of 2,000,000 hours, highlighting its durability and reliability in both operational and non-operational environments.

Specificatii produs

  • General

    Tip SSD
    2.5 inch
    480 GB
    DRAM Cache
    2.000.000 ore
  • Viteza de lucru

    Viteza de scriere max.
    470 MB/s
    Viteza de citire max.
    560 MB/s
    Random 4KB scriere
    41K IOPS max.
    Random 4KB citire
    94K IOPS max.
    Rata de transfer SATA
    6 GB/s
  • Caracteristici specifice

    7 mm
    69.9 x 100 x 7 mm
    92.34 g
    Consum (idle) max.
    1.30 W
    Consum (activ) max.
    3.6 W
    Temperatura de functionare
    -40°C - 85°C
    Total Bytes Written (TBW)
    876 TB

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SSD Kingston DC600ME, 480 GB, SATA3, 2.5 inch

SSD Kingston DC600ME, 480 GB, SATA3, 2.5 inch

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SSD Kingston DC600ME, 480 GB, SATA3, 2.5 inch


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