Isolated RS-232, DB9 x 2, (USB type)
The PCM-24 series are categorized as communication modules from Advantech iDoor Technology. It includes Isolated / Non-Isolated RS-232/422/485 communication cards for automation control, Wi-Fi/3G/GPS/GSM/LTE wireless communication modules for data exchange during the management and machine level of automation application and PoE function for smart camera in detect inspection application of production. The iDoor Technology increases the flexibility to configure the required features for different application.
- Supports Embedded Automation PC UNO-2200/2300/2400 series
- Supports Control DIN-Rail PC UNO-1200/1300/1400 series
- Supports Control Cabinet PC UNO-3200/3300/3400 series
- Supports Control Panel Computers TPC-xx81/xx82 series
- Supports Thin Client Panel Computers TPC-xx51 series
Specificatii produs
Tip accesoriu
iDoor Module CommunicationDa -
Serie compatibila
UNO-2271G SeriesDaUNO-2272G SeriesDaUNO-2484G SeriesDaUNO-2473G SeriesDaUNO-3272G SeriesDaUNO-3283G SeriesDaUNO-3285G SeriesDaUNO-3483G SeriesDa -
InterfataRS-232 mPCIe
Host: USB2.0PorturiRS-232Conectori2 x Male DB9CaracteristiciMeets Advantech Standard iDoor Technology
PCI Express® Mini Card Specification Revision 1.2 compliant
Speeds up to 921.6 kbps for extremely fast data transmission
Supports any baud rate setting (50bps~921.6kbps)
Supports both Isolated & Non-Isolated Protection with 2/4 Ports RS-232/422/485
I/O address automatically assigned by PCIe plug & play
Data Bits: 5, 6, 7, 8
Data Signals:
RS-422: TX+, TX-, RX+, RX-, (PCM-24D4R4) TX+, TX-, RX+, RX-, CTS+, CTS-, RTS+, RTS- (PCM-24D2R4)
RS-485: Data+, Data-
FIFO: 4K bytes
Flow Control: RTS/CTS (PCM-24D4R4 not supported)
Parity: Odd/Even/Mark/Space/No Parity
200 bps ~ 921.6 kbps (PCM-24D2R4 & PCM-24D4R4)
230.4 kbps (PCM-24D2R2 & PCM-24D4R2
Stop Bits: 1/2 stop bitsSisteme de operare suportateWindows 2000/XP/Vista/7, and Linux 2.4/2.6DimensiuniModule: 51 x 30 x 12.4 mm
I/O Plate: 81 x 19.4 x 41 mm
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iDoor Module Advantech PCM-24D2R2 2-Ports Isolated RS-232 mPCIe, DB9
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iDoor Module Advantech PCM-24D2R2 2-Ports Isolated RS-232 mPCIe, DB9