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Whether you use it as your workstation or your battle station, the ARCTIC Z1 Pro monitor arm is the tool you need to keep your desk clutter free, allowing you to increase productivity and level up your gaming.If you spend a lot of time in front of the screen, you'll quickly come to appreciate the ergonomic advantages of the Z1 Pro, especially the ability to customize your viewing angle. Finding the optimal setting for your screens improves your posture. Whether you want to adjust the height, angle or screen orientation, the Z1 Pro enhances the ergonomic capabilities of your desk and office chair, offering you comfort and adaptability.The mounting head of the ARCTIC Z1 Pro makes installation and subsequent alignment changes uncomplicated and easy to manage. It doesn't matter if you want to slightly tilt your monitor or turn it 180 degrees - the only tools you need are your hands.

Specificatii produs

  • General

    Tip Accesoriu
    Suport monitor
    Nr. max. ecrane
    Greutate maxima suportata
    15 kg
    Marime maxima ecran
    34 inch
    Compatibilitate VESA
    100x100 mm VESA
    Inclinare suport
    +/- 15 °
    Rotire suport
    180 °
    Hub USB
    4 x USB 3.0

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Suport monitor Arctic AEMNT00049A, 34 inch, Black

Suport monitor Arctic AEMNT00049A, 34 inch, Black

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Suport monitor Arctic AEMNT00049A, 34 inch, Black


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